Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Manage Stress to Maintain the Health of Your Tresses

Turns out that stress and bad habits such as smoking, drinking and even tanning could contribute to hair loss, especially in women, according to preliminary findings from new research.

Two new studies found that women’s hair follicles are particularly vulnerable to the wear and tear of a stressful lifestyle. One study found that women who had suffered the stress of a divorce or death of a spouse were at the highest risk of losing their hair at the midline, meaning a widening of the parting in the middle of the scalp. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium, which refers to hair loss induced from severe stress – may it be physical, emotional, or psychological stress.

Men can chalk balding mostly up to genetic luck of the draw, although smoking, alcohol consumption, daily stress, and sun exposure contribute as well. According to the research, such habits contribute to poor blood flow in the scalp, affecting the health of the hair follicles since it is through blood circulation that the follicles obtain nutrients.

While you can take preventative measures such as wearing a hat when exposed to the sun, quitting smoking, and reducing your alcohol consumption, researchers add that adopting healthier lifestyle choices could possibly help your hair grow back.

‘Part of it is to manage what you can’, shares a New York City dermatologist. ‘The sooner you address it, the better your chances of recovering the former healthy state of the hair follicles’.

Prior research and clinical studies have also linked stem cells to balding, finding that some stem cells in the scalp are incapable of developing into the type of cells that make hair follicles. The discovery, published earlier this year in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, could give hope to men and women with hair loss, said the researchers in a release.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homemade Hair Loss Treatments that Suit the Needs of Your Scalp

Hair loss may worsen with ageing and a variety of other factors — including genetics, stress, disease and hairstyling tools. While a variety of commercial and medical products offer hair loss treatments, homemade products have the advantage of being less toxic than most found on the market. Homemade treatments are commonly less expensive than commercial products and you have the advantage of knowing exactly what is in the formulation and customising it for your needs.

Vitamin Treatment

Vitamin E has long been touted as an aide to circulation and used in heart ailments. Because of its ability to rebuild capillaries and arteries, vitamin E is a useful treatment for hair. Though the vitamin can be added to shampoos and conditioners, the most efficient treatment is to apply the nutrient directly to the scalp. Puncture a capsule of vitamin E and apply directly to the scalp. This can be repeated daily.

Molasses Treatment

Molasses has been shown to help regrow hair. Blackstrap molasses contains a variety of B vitamins that help reduce stress, which is one of the leading causes of hair loss. Molasses also softens the hair and adds lustre. It can be applied directly to the hair but because of its stickiness, molasses is best applied diluted in water.

Add four ounces of molasses to one cup of warm water and use as a rinse. Wrap the head with a towel and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off and drying.

Herbal Remedy

Herbal tinctures and oils are beneficial for the follicles on the scalp and for the hair shaft itself. Massaging the scalp with a combination of herbal essential oils — including rosemary, lavender, cedarwood and thyme — can nourish the scalp within and on the surface. This combination helps increase circulation in the scalp and is especially beneficial for those suffering from alopecia.

Protein Treatment

Hair is made up of protein. Adding protein to the diet can help hair grow, as can adding protein directly to the hair. Eggs and mayonnaise are both sources of protein that can be used as hair treatments.

Mix one egg into a half cup of mayonnaise and apply to the hair. Leave on for 15 minutes to a half hour, then shampoo as usual. This will not only add protein and strength to the hair but moisturise the scalp as well. An avocado can also be added to increase the moisture content of the hair.