One of the most common causes of hair loss and early balding is decreased blood flow to the hair follicles, resulting in slowing or stopping hair growth. Applying the mineral silica, combined with activated oxygen, to your scalp may be able to encourage scalp blood flow and ensuing hair growth.
Silica is an excellent alternative to prescription hair loss treatments because it does not alter your hormonal balance and works as a treatment for hair loss — unlike synthetic treatments, which can alter your hormones and commonly don’t work for early balding.
Usually, according to the normal hair growth cycle, losing hair is inevitable. About 100 strands of hair come loose from the scalp every day. But the actual problem starts when hair follicles develop sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, a hormone produced by the conversion of testosterone. This affects the ability of hair follicles to grow new hair. These hormonal and genetic factors can cause hair loss. Unfortunately, still our know-how about the actual causes of alopecia is limited.
There are many factors which cause excessive hair loss. Hormonal problems such as under-active or over-active thyroid glands and imbalance of male or female hormones also cause this problem. Correcting the imbalance of hormones may help you stop this problem.
Many women lose hair in large quantities after about 3 months of childbirth. This is also related to hormonal imbalance. Certain hormones are present in high levels in the body during pregnancy, and the body retains hair, which would normally fall off. When the hormones return to normal levels, some hair falls off, and the normal cycle of hair shedding and hair growth starts again.
The B vitamins — including niacin, thiamine and biotin — enhance hair health by circulation of blood to the scalp. In addition, studies have shown that the amount of vitamin B6 within cells affects the response rate of cells to steroid hormones. Cells that are vitamin B6 deficient will become more responsive to steroid hormones. It can be assumed that cells that have a higher level of B6 within them will be less responsive to the hormones that can cause androgenetic alopecia or early balding and other disorders related to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
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