Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Female Hair Loss Treatment: The Professional’s Advice

As more and more women are going through what is called androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata, baldness problems are no longer just for men. What causes these conditions and what kinds of female hair loss treatments are out there?

Hormonal imbalances and emotional stress are two common causes of hair loss in women. Oftentimes, hormones are off balance during menopause, after or while pregnant and when changing or stopping birth-control medications. An embarrassing condition, hair loss can be indicative of other health problems.

When dieting, a quick drop in weight can cause hair to fall out. Similar conditions may arise with a sudden increase in particular vitamins or minerals. Because outcomes and reactions will vary from person to person, be sure to speak with your doctor before starting a dieting program. He or she will be able to discuss possible consequences and choose a program that is right for you.

While there are many possible reasons for hair loss, there are also many myths regarding the condition. Contrary to popular belief, coloring and perms will not lead to balding (when done moderately) nor will frequent shampooing or wearing wigs and hats. At the same time, one hundred hairbrush strokes will not make hair stronger and healthier.

Again, because hair loss can be the result of any number of conditions, minute or quite serious, it is important to speak with a doctor. By understanding the causes of hair loss, appropriate treatment can be chosen.

Experiencing baldness can be upsetting; however, there are many options for treatment. Whether you want medical, holistic or cosmetic care, talk to a professional about the options, some of which include:

Vitamin Supplements: Many females suffering from hair loss or thinning may find it to be a result of a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for hair growth and can be found in meat, eggs and poultry. Many times, vitamin supplements can restore proper balance and improve hair condition. The same goes for other B vitamins like biotin.

Balanced Diet: Because the most common vitamin deficiency associated with hair loss is vitamin B12, eating more eggs, meat and poultry may be helpful to those with the condition. Other B vitamins like biotin may affect hair loss too. Oftentimes, alongside diet change, vitamin supplements are widely available at health food stores and can help bring nutritional balance.

Laser Hair Treatments: A method that includes low level lasers that use light to treat thin and damaged hair. This is a common non-surgical treatment option.

Hair Transplant: Oftentimes, various surgical procedures can be used to successfully transplant real, healthy hair to a balding person. This is done under the care of a medical specialist.

Other Medical Treatments: Minoxidil is currently the only medicine approved by the Food and Drug Administration for female hair loss treatment. Many baldness sufferers try a topical treatment like this before looking into transplant surgeries.

Hair Replacement: This non-medical method of covering up hair loss often involves various wigs, hairpieces and hair extensions. For top-quality pieces, it is best to seek the advice of a hair professional or salon.

As with any type of medical or surgical therapy, it is best to consult with your doctor before seeking treatment. Although hair loss for women can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, many viable treatment options are available. More importantly, if you are experiencing female pattern baldness, seek advice from a doctor as it may be the sign of a more serious condition.

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